Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Results with the Damon System

Dr. Thomas takes pride with providing quality excellent results for both adults and children. This case demonstrates narrow arch forms, severe crowding, and protrusion of the upper teeth out in front of the lower. Orthodontic treatment included passive self ligation Damon Braces combined with a bite fixing appliance called a herbst appliance.

Correction of upper dental protrusion is achieved with many different types of methods - most commonly with Headgear. Dr. Thomas' first 10 years practicing as an Orthodontist were spent encouraging patients to wear a Headgear. What he found was that few children were able to wear their Headgear enough to correct bite problems. This lead to a search for an appliance both comfortable and able to be worn 24 hours a day - able to provide the maximum correction possible.

The herbst appliance has published evidence demonstrating its effectiveness. This evidence was published and presented to the American Association of Orthodontists annual meeting a few years ago.

Exciting recent improvements to the Herbst appliance now provide the ultimate in bite correction with incredible comfort. AdvanSync makes it possible to combine two separate treatment phases into a single phase. It eliminates patient compliance, has a fantastic range of opening and side to side movement, and allows the simultaneous treatment of the bite as the same time jaw discrepancies are also corrected. Take the time to watch the video about AdvanSync and read published evidence on its effectiveness - why would one ever want their child to have to wear Headgear.