Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanking Our Fantastic Patients & Families!

Our office focus's on constant improvement - which is why Dr. Thomas recently attended Anthony Robbins intensive 4 day personal growth training seminar two weekends ago. Why do we do what we do? What if we want to change our habits? How to we train ourselves to perform and live on another higher level than we ever have before? These and many and so many other incredible tools were learned while listening to Anthony Robbins.

On the first evening, Dr. Thomas and his Wife Scarlett completed the FireWalk - something that really gets your mind to do something it would otherwise NEVER in a million years do!

After the intense 9am to 11pm intense training, we returned to Poway energized and ready to put our new learned skills into action. Poway Braces & Our entire professional team deeply appreciate our patients loyalty, friendship, and business over the many years we've been in Poway. We take our responsibility to provide the highest quality orthodontic care with terrific customer serviced seriously.

Because of our Love and Appreciation to our Community in which we live, play and work, we are holding our First Annual Movie / BBQ /Raffle / DJ / Night - August 27th, Old Poway Park, 6pm - 10pm. Food, games, and Raffle start at 6pm. Movie is 'Alice in Wonderland' and starts at Dusk. Get your Tickets at our office before they run out! Over 500 people are expected!!!

Thank you Poway!!