Did you know that we now offer all clear Damon braces? Look on our website www.powaybraces.com or call us at 858-748-6200 to find out more about the all new Clear Damon brackets!
When patients have these situations, various treatment options have been used to correct this type of bite: Headgear, Herbst appliances, Extractions, Pendulum, Wilson, Bionator, Activator, and many more. The last two years, I've been using an appliance called a Carriere Distalizer – and its proven to be clinically absolutely amazing and efficient at correcting bite problems where the upper front teeth stick out in front of the lower.
PLEASE check out the following web site and watch the video animation that demonstrates how the Carriere Distalizer works – it’s really quite impressive!! My patients have experienced this effect and correction every single time its been used & I'm now using it much more often because of how comfortable it is for my patients.
Another great benefit is that its able to reduce the total amount of time our patients actually have to have braces on their teeth! A typical orthodontic patient requires 18-24 months of braces. With this approach, the first 6-8 months deal with bite correction WITHOUT any braces on the teeth at all!! This means the actual amount of time in braces for this type of bite is reduced to 12-18 rather than much longer. Occasionally, Dr Thomas is able to correct a patients bite entirely using this appliance, avoiding the use of braces altogether. Another option is to use this appliance followed by the use of Clear aligners - again avoiding the use of braces for some of our patients.
Watch the link below to see how this particular device corrects bites which were extremely difficult to fix in the past.
When patients have these situations, various treatment options have been used to correct this type of bite: Headgear, Herbst appliances, Extractions, Pendulum, Wilson, Bionator, Activator, and many more. The last two years, I've been using an appliance called a Carriere Distalizer – and its proven to be clinically absolutely amazing and efficient at correcting bite problems where the upper front teeth stick out in front of the lower.
PLEASE check out the following web site and watch the video animation that demonstrates how the Carriere Distalizer works – it’s really quite impressive!! My patients have experienced this effect and correction every single time its been used & I'm now using it much more often because of how comfortable it is for my patients.
Another great benefit is that its able to reduce the total amount of time our patients actually have to have braces on their teeth! A typical orthodontic patient requires 18-24 months of braces. With this approach, the first 6-8 months deal with bite correction WITHOUT any braces on the teeth at all!! This means the actual amount of time in braces for this type of bite is reduced to 12-18 rather than much longer. Occasionally, Dr Thomas is able to correct a patients bite entirely using this appliance, avoiding the use of braces altogether. Another option is to use this appliance followed by the use of Clear aligners - again avoiding the use of braces for some of our patients.
Watch the link below to see how this particular device corrects bites which were extremely difficult to fix in the past.
Great results speak for themselves – Dr Thomas prides himself on delivering the best results possible using state of the art techniques and materials. Often, patients who otherwise are told they require jaw surgery, come to us and finish just like this patient did – a great bite, smile, and no jaw surgery.
However, its important to know that not all patients who have severe jaw discrepancies can avoid jaw surgery to achieve a really nice result – sometimes we cannot even come close without it. Our office requires a surgical route far less than years ago & outcomes like this case are why we are confident most people can be treated without jaw surgery.
If you have a difficult bite, have been told you require jaw surgery to correct your smile or bite, come visit us to see if you might benefit from the latest advances in Orthodontics!
Beginning Bite and Underbite Below:
After our exam, and detailed conversations, Poway braces / Dr Thomas arrived at a non surgery and non extraction treatment plan that included more recent advanced technology. With the use of this technology, and using the Damon system of braces, she ended up with this absolutely beautiful result - see our next blog for her final results!
Dr Thomas is now certified to use the technique called Wilkodontics!! In his ongoing quest to provide quality orthodontic treatment and care, Dr Thomas recently attended an intensive advanced training course taught by the inventors of the technique (Dr’s Wilcko and Wilcko) in Erie Pennsylvania.
The bottom line – what used to take 18-30 months can now be achieved in as little as 3-6 months! Who would not like to have braces over and done with in this dramatically reduced period of time??
Visit www.wilckodontics.com or come visit our office to hear more details and to see how we can complete your entire treatment in this extremely short period of time.