Thursday, December 16, 2010


To all of our deband patients this week!

Everyone's smile looks fantastic!!!

•check out our facebook
•for more pictures•

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To all of our Friends and Families,

We at Poway Braces wish you all a Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year!

Warm Regards,
Dr. Thomas and Staff

Check out our facebook for more pictures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CONGRATULATIONS from all of us at Poway Braces to the lovely ladies at Dr. Meyerson's office. They are the winners of our End-of-Summer Giveaway. They won 4 SeaWorld day passes. Enjoy your time at SeaWorld!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Happy Veterans Day! A BIG thank you to all our Veterans as well as the men and women still serving our country.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thank You for Voting Us #1 Orthodontist Office!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween

Make sure you brush your teeth after eating all that candy!
And remember NO sticky stuff!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


We at Poway Braces wish all of our friends and families a happy and safe halloween!

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures of our staff dressed up!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This Holiday season Poway Braces will be collecting TOYS FOR TOTS as well as Canned Foods. If you have any new unwrapped toys or canned goods that you would like to donate, please bring them in!!

Thank you Mrs. Taylor for your generous contribution!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Poway Street Fair

What a wonderful time Poway had with its street fair. Dr Thomas & Poway Braces were well represented and had a booth with prized, a spin the wheel event, and a Flat Screen TV Raffle. Over 300 families stopped by and met Dr. Thomas and Yasman and received prizes for spinning the wheel. Poway Braces prides itself on civic participation - we enjoyed meeting so many fellow Poway Residents and sharing the latest information about braces and orthodontics with them.

Our practice and Dr. Thomas have been in the Poway Community for over 15 years and have treated thousands of families in Ramona, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Bernardo, PQ, Scripps Ranch, and surrounding areas.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poway Braces First Annual BBQ / Movie / DJ Night

Poway Braces & Dr. Thomas had a great time at the 1st annual BBQ / Movie / DJ night in Poway Park. Here are more pictures from that really fun evening. Please visit our Facebook page to see hundreds more photos of our super fun event. Our Facebook page is found on the main page of our web site at

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Poway BBQ / Movie Night A Huge Hit!

Poway Braces:

We had over 500 terrific families and friends join us for our first BBQ / Movie Night in the Park & it was fantastic! A Big Thank you to everyone who came & shared in our fun. The weather was perfect, no wind, the Face Painter Clown did an incredible job, Rob the DJ was perfect, the special demonstration by Master Huong with his team with Tae Kwon do including
board breaking was wild, and of course, the movie "Alice in Wonderland" was very realistic watching it between the trees.

Thank you Poway! Dr. Thomas and his entire team thank Poway and all surrounding area's for the privilege of providing orthodontic care to your families.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanking Our Fantastic Patients & Families!

Our office focus's on constant improvement - which is why Dr. Thomas recently attended Anthony Robbins intensive 4 day personal growth training seminar two weekends ago. Why do we do what we do? What if we want to change our habits? How to we train ourselves to perform and live on another higher level than we ever have before? These and many and so many other incredible tools were learned while listening to Anthony Robbins.

On the first evening, Dr. Thomas and his Wife Scarlett completed the FireWalk - something that really gets your mind to do something it would otherwise NEVER in a million years do!

After the intense 9am to 11pm intense training, we returned to Poway energized and ready to put our new learned skills into action. Poway Braces & Our entire professional team deeply appreciate our patients loyalty, friendship, and business over the many years we've been in Poway. We take our responsibility to provide the highest quality orthodontic care with terrific customer serviced seriously.

Because of our Love and Appreciation to our Community in which we live, play and work, we are holding our First Annual Movie / BBQ /Raffle / DJ / Night - August 27th, Old Poway Park, 6pm - 10pm. Food, games, and Raffle start at 6pm. Movie is 'Alice in Wonderland' and starts at Dusk. Get your Tickets at our office before they run out! Over 500 people are expected!!!

Thank you Poway!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun in Dr. Thomas' Office!

Yes, at times we get a little crazy at Poway Braces! What's more important than being able to smile, laugh, and have a crazy fun time. Sooooooooo, Jeremy dared Dr. Thomas to jump on his back to take a picture......Now that was fun! today was a lot of fun - we removed 7 peoples braces and made sure they found the pop corn machine & the freshly baked cookies!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Poway Braces - Putting Smiles on Faces


First Annual Poway Braces Summer BBQ / Movie Night

All of us at Poway Braces are excited to announce the date and time for our First Annual Summer BBQ / Movie / Entertainment night Event! Make sure to put it on your Calendar ~
August 27th, 6pm to 10pm – Old Poway Park (next to the Hamburger Factory)

Schedule of Events:
6pm – 8pm: BBQ, music, games, clowns, contests and much more
8pm-8:30pm: Raffle: Flat Screen TV, I-Pod, DVD Player, mini laptop and more……
8:30pm – 10pm: Movie (Alice in Wonderland) Rated PG

We encourage you to bring all family members and invite your friends. Free movie tickets are available for pick up at our office in Poway anytime during regular business hours.

*** Don’t forget Blankets and Lawn Chairs!!! ***

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Poway Braces Summer Contest Winner!

Congratulations to powaybraces Summer Contest Winners Andrew (& Katie)!! Way to go Andrew - you rock! A big thank you to Andrew's mom who writes about us: "We love Dr Thomas and his staff. With all the wonderful care we receive and all the fun events like movie nights and drawings....we feel like part of the family..."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What is Plaque?

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums. Following a meal or snack, the bacteria in plaque release acids that attack tooth enamel. Repeated attacks can cause the enamel to weaken, eventually causing tooth decay. Many of the foods we eat cause plaque bacteria to produce acids. If you snack often, you could be having acid attacks all day long. Plaque that is not removed with thorough daily brushing and cleaning between teeth can eventually harden into calculus or tartar.

Plaque also produces substances that irritate the gums, making them red, tender or bleed easily. After a while, gums may pull away from the teeth. Pockets form and fill with more bacteria and pus. If the gums are not treated, the bone around the teeth can be destroyed. The teeth may become loose or have to be removed. In fact, periodontal (gum) disease is a main cause of tooth loss in adults.

One way to prevent tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease is by eating a balanced diet and limiting the number of between-meal snacks. If you need a snack, choose nutritious foods such as raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese or a piece of fruit. Keep in mind that fruits have a lot of sugar as does milk! Dr Thomas wants you to never have a cavity or problem while in braces and keeping the information in this blog in mind will help you achieve this goal.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Love Your Smile ~

Congratulations to everyone who had their braces removed by Dr. Thomas & his team June 2010! All of us at Poway Braces hope you have a fantastic summer enjoying your new awesome smiles. Be sure to keep posted about our upcoming BBQ and Movie night being held in Poway Park in the Month of August. All information about our event can be found on the PowayBraces FaceBook page - the link is on the lower right hand corner of our main page of our web site.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What a Team!

What a family! We enjoyed getting to know each of you & share in your lives and smiles. Thank you from all of us at Dr. Thomas' Poway Braces!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Your Braces are Off!!

We get so excited when we remove our patients braces. Its a super fun day, we get to compare what someones smile and bite looked like when we started, and to compare to how nice they look when the braces come off. Poway braces and Dr. Thomas take great pride in providing high quality service and results.

Our team uses the state of the art Damon Braces - which provide results far nicer, easier, and with fewer appointments than before when our office used traditional braces.

Dr. Thomas stays on top of the newest advances in Orthodontics attending three times as many continuing education courses a year by the California State Board. He is also invited to speak in locations all over the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, and South America.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Poway Braces iPad Contest

Have you heard about Poway Braces iPad contest? Winner to be selected Aug 31st! Contest rules - create a short video about why you like / love our office, become a follower of our You Tube Poway Braces page, and post your video! Thats it. Your odds of winning are pretty darn good - will YOU win the iPad?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Braces Go High Tech!

A technology, which has been over 10 years in the making, is taking the orthodontic field by storm. Insignia is a concept whereby a patients teeth are uploaded into a 3D computer software program.

Once scanned into the software, the teeth are aligned into an ideal fit and aesthetic positions to enhance the smile. Braces are then custom made for each specific tooth movement and correction which enhance treatment results and decreases your over all treatment time. Dr. Thomas is a certified trained user of this technology.

Additionally, the software program then makes custom patient specific wires which work in conjunction with the custom braces delivering optimal forces and positioning toward a fantastic final result. The combination of High Tech tooth positioning in 3D, custom braces, and custom wires makes for fewer appointments and a decrease in over all treatment times.

Doesn’t this sound great? Visit and see how amazing this new technology works!

All Clear Damon Braces

We are proud to offer the latest state of the art in aesthetic Orthodontic treatment. Dr. Thomas incorporated the New All Clear Damon Brackets this year & overwhelmingly they've been a huge hit! Not only do they never discolor (no matter what you drink or eat), they are smoother and smaller than even the most comfortable Damon Braces. Poway Braces stays in the forefront of up to date techniques and materials by regularly attending continuing education courses all over the country.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Braces & Electric Toothbrushes

Did you know an electric tooth brush usually gets your teeth even cleaner - especially with braces! Electric tooth brushes, in a Consumer Reports test, removed 75 percent or more of plaque in our tests, on average.

The top-rated Oral-B rotates in both directions and pulses, and a sensor stops ...pulsations when you brush too hard; the runner-up Philips Sonicare is the vibrating type. Despite its effectiveness, most users said it vibrated too much. (Sonicare brushes might take getting used to, but they have an Easy Start feature that can help.) Poway Braces encourages the use of these rotary tooth brushes during orthodontic treatment with braces.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wow, Our iPad Raffle! Are you IN to Win?

We have a new and exciting contest at Poway Braces! Dr Thomas has decided to Raffle an iPad for those Mac lovers who just cannot get enough. Heck, even if your a PC lover, this is for you too! Teens, Adults, those who enjoy coming to our office have a chance to win.

To enter our Raffle all you have to do is create a short video saying why and how much you like our office. Post your video to your You Tube account, and share it with us. Our web site at powaybraces has a link to our You Tube account - its located at the bottom of our main web site page. Its that simple! Obviously the odds are going to be pretty darn good - How many will really do it??

Do you want a chance to win the iPad?? The winner will be picked August 31st from all contestants & the best videos will be featured on our Facebook page as well as our You Tube site (of course with your permission). Do you have creative fun energy to share with us?

Each Team member of Poway Braces will be given one vote. The winner will be selected by a majority vote - how well do you know our team? Talk to our team members about what they might like at your next appointment & enter to Win!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Teens, Braces & Poway

Teens & Braces

Did you know completely clear Damon Braces are available from Poway Braces and Dr. Thomas?? The 'New' all clear braces NEVER discolor yellow or any other color for that matter because of the all new self ligation design rather than using clear rubber bands to hold the wires into the braces.

Orthodontists have used clear braces for over 20 years but have always had difficulty with the rubber bands turning ugly colors in response to sunlight or certain foods / drinks with staining properties.

The 'New' clear braces design in the Damon System eliminates the need for clear rubber bands completely!!! Therefore, staining and ugly discoloration of rubber bands are eliminated.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

American Association of Orthodontists Meeting in DC

Wow, great times in our Nations Capital! Poway Braces & Dr. Thomas attended 4 full days worth of AAO classes and now are dining across from the White House of all places. Tonight we are visiting the Lincoln Memorial and the Kennedy Center – very exciting! Did you know Dr Thomas graduated from Georgetown Universities Dental school and Orthodontic programs in the Kennedy Center?
A few of our continuing education courses included up to date information about TMJ causes & potential future treatment methods, computerized patient customized treatment (Insignia), advances with early treatment for young children (6-8 yrs old), custom mouth guards with braces and treatment techniques using small temporary ancor devices to correct problems which used to require invasive jaw surgery.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun, Classes, & Tours

What a great day today! Dr Thomas & his wife Scarlett spent most of the day attending advanced courses on Orthodontics while attending the AAO meeting (see previous posts). Monday morning, Scarlett was honored by the American Association of Orthodontists giving an hour lecture on Practice Marketing called A market driven approach to case acceptance. Over 200 attending staff and doctors listened to Scarlett present her material. She did an outstanding job! Her room was packed with Standing room only!!! We are proud of you Scarlett

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Great Weather in DC

Just landed in Washington D.C. for the annual American Association of Orthodontists meeting. We are excited to see old friends, learn new updated information from researchers, and visit new sites and locations in the D.C area. Poway Braces & Dr Thomas pride themselves on attending continuing education courses throughout the year - staying up to date on new developments in our field. California requires Orthodontists to attend at least 50 hours of continuing education every two years. Dr. Thomas typically attends over 50 hours of continuing education each and every year- occasionally teaching courses himself. Is it important your Orthodontist stays on top of new research findings and developments? We believe it is!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Braces completed in 3-8 months?

Recently, Dr. Thomas attended a fascinating course given by Dr. Wilko from Pennsylvania. He (Periodontist – gum specialist) and his brother (who is an Orthodontist) have developed a technique whereby specialized gum procedures combined with braces produce remarkable changes in a very short amount of time.

If you would like to learn more about this technique please visit

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dr Thomas Visits Washington DC for Continuing Education

Did you know that Dr Thomas is heading to Washington DC to attend his annual American Association of Orthodontists meeting - he will attend 4 days of lectures - 8am to 5pm every day! We never stop learning do we?

One of the important things we learn in life is that we should
always be a student - its part of having fun living our life. Poway Braces is committed to life long learning and to the health of our patients dental health. Our practice has a lot of information on the Poway braces blog ~ Please visit our web site, read our blog on the site, and see if you can find our Face book page as well.

The Value of Damon Braces

What a difference straight teeth make - look at what can happen with braces. Dr. William Thomas and his team take pride in delivering quality care and treatment results for his patients. He practices in Poway, California and can be found online @

When teeth are severely misaligned amazing changes are seen while using the Damon System of braces and wires. This philosophy includes using a self ligation bracket - simply put, a brace that is a tube the wire slides through rather than traditional braces whereby rubber elastic ties grip and push the wire into the brace. Is there a difference? Absolutely! The amount of friction created by rubber elastic ties is significant and increases the number of appointments required to complete treatment.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Braces can really change lives!

Years ago, Cindy wanted to straighten her teeth but was told she required surgery to widen her palate along with braces. Dr. Thomas not only aligned Cindy's teeth, but also developed the width in her smile to give a radiant appearance - without the need for surgery. The Damon System allows the widening for most patients without palate expansion devices and/or surgery - especially in adults.

Poway Braces and Dr. Thomas
take great pride in focusing on high quality care with the most state of the art techniques. As a matter of fact, Dr. Thomas attends many continuing education courses throughout the year and is attending the upcoming annual American Association of Orthodontists meeting in Washington DC. He will attend 4 full days of advanced courses on the latest findings in current research for Orthodontics.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Upcoming Summer Patient Appreciation BBQ!

Have you heard about Poway Braces & Dr Thomas' Summer BBQ / outdoor Movie night coming this summer? We are planning a really fun event combining a BBQ with an Outdoor Movie in the Old Poway Park - next to the train on Midland Road. Our entire team at Poway Braces thank and sincerely appreciate our patients and their families who trust us with their smiles!

One way our orthodontic office shows our appreciation is through hosting events & give away prizes in our office. Last month we held a contest where the winner received a really cool guitar. Its never overlooked by Poway Braces that you have a choice for your orthodontist and we want to be the office you choose.

Please visit our web site at to learn a lot more about who we are and what we are all about. Make sure to check out our blog on the web site as well - we have great information posted on it as well.

Thank you & stay tuned :)

We love great results!

All of us at Poway Braces love what we do for a living; literally transforming the lives of our patients. Kelley came to our practice after hearing from multiple sources that she required jaw surgery to correct her bite problem. Using the Damon System, Dr. Thomas was able to not only correct Kelley's bite, but also transform her smile filling out the corners of her mouth with arch development greatly enhancing her smile further. All of this was done without surgery. We are proud to offer children and adults options which include the benefits found with the Damon System - please visit our web site for more information as well as visiting too!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poway Braces Round Table Pizza Night

All of us at Poway Braces had a GREAT time hosting Pizza night last week! Over 300 patients of our practice joined us for an all you can eat salad bar & pizza courtesy of Dr. Thomas & his team. We work in a wonderful profession, one that gives us the opportunity to not only take are of people's braces and teeth, but to also become a part of your family.

It's a privilege for us to get to know our patients and their families & we humbly appreciate how much the Inland North County community thanks us by consistently referring friends and family to our office for orthodontic treatment.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Computerized Custom Braces and Wires

In this age of high technology, can you believe we are just now coming out with Computerized Custom Damon Braces and Wires for our orthodontic patients? This technology has been used by Invisalign - and everyone's heard of them right?? PowayBraces and Dr. Thomas are excited to promote the most advanced high tech method in the Orthodontic Field.

"Insignia" is a revolution for Braces! Visit its web site and read what you think for yourself:

What is Insignia you may ask? Simply put, it's a system whereby Orthodontists are able to put a 100% accurate model of your teeth into a software program and then correct your bite even before you've started treatment. Once your ideal bite has been achieved within the software, custom Damon Braces are then made for each individual tooth - something never before possible. In doing this, we are able to customize your treatment precisely - solving crowding / spacing problems and enabling treatment completion as quickly, comfortably, and detailed as you deserve.

Dr Thomas and his team at powaybraces are certified providers of Insignia and can share with you how it works and show you specific examples of treated patients. Check out our web site to find much more detail about us and the advanced technology we provide!

  • Insignia can reduce your treatment time by up to 25%
  • Insignia advances the science and art of braces beyond capabilities seen with traditional braces
  • Insignia helps develop a precise treatment plan for your specific unique needs

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Big Day at Poway Braces for Kendall!

Before and After photos of Kendall - she recently had her braces removed with us at Poway Braces & Dr. Thomas. All of us were so surprised that Kendall and her Dad later treated all of our team to a catered lunch. Thank you guys so very much! Much more detailed information can be found on our web sites Blog on www.powaybraces and we encourage you to visit.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Poway Braces Loves Your New Smile

All of us at Poway Braces say - Congratulations Cindy! We really enjoyed having both you and your wonderful daughter in our practice. Did your husband really say you look like a hot new wife??

Dr. Thomas wishes you and your family a great year; we will miss your fun laugh, your warm wishes, and seeing you on a regular basis.

When people ask us whether or not the Damon System can really widen a smile without surgery - all we have to do is think of the fantastic change in your smile & width of your teeth - and how much it fills out the corners of your mouth and smile - to know without a shadow of a doubt that it really does!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Poway Braces Patient Appreciation Pizza Night

Are you signed up for Pizza night March 25? Powaybraces has rented out Round Table Pizza for the evening!! You must have tickets to get in - they are available at our front desk. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Results with the Damon System

Dr. Thomas takes pride with providing quality excellent results for both adults and children. This case demonstrates narrow arch forms, severe crowding, and protrusion of the upper teeth out in front of the lower. Orthodontic treatment included passive self ligation Damon Braces combined with a bite fixing appliance called a herbst appliance.

Correction of upper dental protrusion is achieved with many different types of methods - most commonly with Headgear. Dr. Thomas' first 10 years practicing as an Orthodontist were spent encouraging patients to wear a Headgear. What he found was that few children were able to wear their Headgear enough to correct bite problems. This lead to a search for an appliance both comfortable and able to be worn 24 hours a day - able to provide the maximum correction possible.

The herbst appliance has published evidence demonstrating its effectiveness. This evidence was published and presented to the American Association of Orthodontists annual meeting a few years ago.

Exciting recent improvements to the Herbst appliance now provide the ultimate in bite correction with incredible comfort. AdvanSync makes it possible to combine two separate treatment phases into a single phase. It eliminates patient compliance, has a fantastic range of opening and side to side movement, and allows the simultaneous treatment of the bite as the same time jaw discrepancies are also corrected. Take the time to watch the video about AdvanSync and read published evidence on its effectiveness - why would one ever want their child to have to wear Headgear.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Surgical Sterilization with Cassettes

Our office uses an extremely high level of sterilization to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. Dr. Thomas’ sterilization techniques are used by most high quality orthodontists throughout the United States.

Sterilization is critical in any Orthodontic office & is something all of us at powaybraces take very seriously. ALL of our instruments are first placed in customized cassettes – designed for use in orthodontics, and then wrapped in surgical grade material. They are then heat sterilized in an medical grade autoclave (Midmark).

It’s California law that all dental and orthodontic instruments are fully wrapped, sealed, and sterilized in an autoclave. Instruments are not allowed to be openly sterilized and then placed in bags after they are removed from the machine.

Our sealed wrapped cassettes are then brought to the orthodontic chair for treatment and only opened when ready for patient use.

We take pride in all aspects of our practice & you are welcome to see how we sterilize our instruments for all of our orthodontic patients.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Production & Poway braces

Congratulations to our Patient David Bru – he is starring in the upcoming Theater Production of Alice in Wonderland at the American Spirit Theater in Escondido!!

Dates for the Shows are: February 26,27th, March 6th @ 7:00pm and March 6,7th @ 2:00pm.

Visit or call 619 588-0206 for more information

All of us at Powaybraces are proud of David and hope he has a great time!